The Fire Prevention Specialists Want To Protect You
Providing FireWise Community Services with Certified FireWise Assessments, Planning and Mitigation.
It is a proven fact that a FireWise Community saves life and property. A home that has been prepared for a wildfire has a greater chance of survival than a home that has been neglected.
However, a FireWise Community does not pop up overnight.
A FireWise Community requires "BUY IN" from all of its neighbors. And a FireWise Community takes a group effort to be effective in creating a defensible space.
The GOOD news is that the Fire Prevention Specialists are here to help. We've seen every fire disaster imaginable,
all across this great Country. And WE can help YOU survive the inevitable . . . a wildfire in your community.
Let the Fire Prevention Specialists guide you through YOUR unique fuel reduction projects. Let us help you create a Defensible Space Plan that will work in union with your Community's FireWise Plan.
The Fire Prevention Specialists are now serving Businesses Owners, HOA's, Fire Districts and Private Homeowners in Santa Cruz County and Cochise County.
Save Property. Save Lives. Get FireWise TODAY!